Saturday, May 3, 2008

south island road trip!-Day 12

around the city center in Dunedin

creepy little workers at the cadbury factory

drinking up some southern pride!

Can you guess who?

Day 12- Dunedin

So after waking up next to another Wicked van a few kms outside of Dunedin, we headed into the city. The night before we had had a bad impression of it while driving through because we decided we no longer liked lots of lights and people.  We definitely preferred small towns and mountains or beaches to big cities at this point.  But when we found our way into the "octagon" (their city center) we decided Dunedin wasn't so bad.  It had a very british feel because of the cathedrals and some of the old buildings.  

When we found some parking and made our way to the info center I was disappointed to find out that you had to book a tour in order to go to the penguin beaches.  I really was sad because I had really been looking forward to seeing penguins, but we really didnt have time to book an all day tour, plus it was rainy and yucky out.  A much better day for indoor activities.  

So I took my broken heart and hauled it on into the cadbury factory to drown my sorrows in chocolate:)  To tell the truth the tour was kinda cheesy, but you did get some free chocolate and the shop at the end sold really cheap giant chocolate bars.  I controlled myself and only bought 2 giant bars (fudge brownie and macadamian nut), but it was pretty hard not to try and buy a 2 months supply since chocolate in auckland is SUPER expensive.  

After our delicious chocolate tour we had some time to kill so we wandered around  to look at some shops .  Eventually and we found our way into their pubic art museum.  They had some really great exhibits on women as a subject in art and on German fashion.  Unfortunately we didnt get to see everything because our next tour was about to start, but it was enjoyable to just be able to look around.

After that we made our way over Speights for our brewery tour.  Now this tour was definitely a lot cooler and pretty hilarious.  We were first shown an epic video of a bottle of speights bursting open for about 5 minutes and then we were lead into a kind of wax museum of beer history.  After learning about the history of Mr. Speight and seeing all the brewery equipment we watched a bizarre video about the southern man ( which is  their advertising campaign).  Their southern man is strangely similar to our american cowboy and the song they played with the montage was priceless.  At the end of the tour we got to sample all of the different types of beer that they made at the brewery.  Wesley you would have loved it!

At the end of the night we decided to grab some dinner at a restaurant instead of trying to cook in the spitting rain.  We found this really amazing and cheap vegan restaurant where we got to sit around on couches and eat at our leisure.  They had lots of board games and we ended up hanging around for awhile, ordering dessert, and playing Guess Who, Scrabble, and Cluedo (the spanish version of Clue).  

Id say overall, Dunedin was a really nice city despite their stupid penguin rules.

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